how to fold clothes

Sweat the Small Stuff: Eliminating Closet Clutter

Small Stuff is a Major Source of Closet Clutter

Year after year of closet clean-outs, seemingly innocuous items like belts, ties, jewelry, undergarments, hats and handbags manage to escape the chopping block. Massive T-shirt collections are built—one run, tournament and merch purchase at a time. Often stacked/crammed/rolled; rarely enjoyed. 

We tend not to get rid of these things—why?

Call Closets of Tulsa today for your FREE consultation and 3-D closet design: 918.609.0214

Call Closets of Tulsa today for your FREE consultation and 3-D closet design: 918.609.0214

How Does Clutter Accumulate?

Recently on the blog, we took a close look at (un)collecting: why we buy things, why we keep things beyond their useful life, and why we hang onto unneeded gifts. Few items accumulate as easily as our small accessories. Instead of letting them go when we love them no more, we tend to stop seeing them. The result: Clutter! 

Like everything else in your closet, these items only bring you enjoyment when they're in use or edited and organized.

Edit your underwear collection down to only what you enjoy wearing and can store neatly. Call Closets of Tulsa today for your FREE consultation and 3-D closet design: 918.609.0214

Edit your underwear collection down to only what you enjoy wearing and can store neatly. Call Closets of Tulsa today for your FREE consultation and 3-D closet design: 918.609.0214

Undergarments are uniquely suited for needless collecting because they're the perfect storm of expensive to replace, unsuitable to re-home, and rarely seen by the general public.

Custom closets by Closets of Tulsa provide enough structure to stay organized. Call Closets of Tulsa today for your FREE consultation and 3-D closet design: 918.609.0214

Custom closets by Closets of Tulsa provide enough structure to stay organized. Call Closets of Tulsa today for your FREE consultation and 3-D closet design: 918.609.0214

Here's a tip from Marie Kondo on folding and organizing your underwear drawer:

Eliminate Chaos. Live Better.

Ratty? Dated? Ill-fitting? Uncollect it. You'll feel lighter, see and use more of what you have, and develop more conscientious buying habits.

Custom closets by Closets of Tulsa create a system for everything you need to store. Call Closets of Tulsa today for your FREE consultation and 3-D closet design: 918.609.0214

Custom closets by Closets of Tulsa create a system for everything you need to store. Call Closets of Tulsa today for your FREE consultation and 3-D closet design: 918.609.0214

Getting organized is hard work! Make the most of your efforts with custom closets that keep you on track. 

Call Closets of Tulsa today for your FREE consultation and 3-D closet design.

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